The 2024-2025 Kappa League Application is live! Click the link below to access the application in our secure portal. Please also see the Kappa League Consent Forms, the Kappa League Policy and Procedures, and the Kappa League Attendance Policy. A signed copy of the consent forms is required to be uploaded as one file/document when submitting the application. Good luck in your Kappa League pursuit!
The Kappa Youth Leadership & Development League is a program designed to aid young men to grow and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. This national initiative commonly referred to as “Kappa League,” is a program for the educational, occupational, and social guidance of male students in grades 6th-12th.
Kappa League was founded on February 12, 1969, by the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., at Alain LeRoy Locke High School. Kappa League was adopted by the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. at the 56th Grand Chapter which was held August 12-15, 1970. The founders of the Kappa Instructional Leadership League were Mel L. Davis an Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Edgar H. Bishop.
Under the chairmanship of Mel Davis, the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter’s Social Action Program took the form of a training activity for young men of Alain Leroy Locke High School. Called the Kappa Instructional Leadership League, it was designed to help young men grow, receive, and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor.
It provided both challenging and rewarding experiences, which richly enhanced their lives. Membership was open to male students from the tenth through the twelfth grades. The fraternity sought to help these young men to achieve worthy goals for themselves and make constructive contributions to their community when leadership roles become the responsibility.
Kappa League provides both challenging and rewarding experiences to enhance the lives of the participants. Since the fundamental purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi is ACHIEVEMENT, it is therefore the Fraternity’s primary purpose to help these young men achieve worthy goals for themselves and make constructive contributions to their community when they assume leadership roles.
The goals of the Kappa League program are:
Through club-oriented activities, the officers and members of the Kappa League perform projects that will expose them to ideation, planning, execution, and simulating good leadership characteristics designed to raise their aspiration levels. All activities and programs are taken from one or more of the following phases:
Our Kappa League program was designed in direct response to the continuing crisis in the African-American community regarding our younger males. The program addresses some of those problems facing the African-American youth through a variety of seminars, lectures, field trips, and workshops which are all geared toward improving such characteristics as the student’s cultural awareness/diversity, academic achievement, and personal development.
Our target group consists of males at the high school age level residing in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
The organization and structure of the Kappa League is designed to operate as a club. Through club-oriented activities, the officers and members of the Kappa League perform projects that expose them to planning, execution, reporting ideas, and simulating good leadership characteristics designed to raise their aspirations levels.
Elections are held and the Kappa Leaguers are instructed on the duties of each office, Parliamentary procedures, and meeting facilitation. Committees are formed for planning and coordinating specific activities.
All sessions are held on Saturdays, except for any special activity that may be during the week. During the sessions, the Kappa Leaguers learn parliamentary procedures, meeting facilitation, and work on presentation, written, oratorical, and interpersonal skills through various activities associated with the operation of the Kappa League club.
The club activities, workshops/lectures, and field trips combined are designed to assist in the growth and development of the Kappa Leaguer. Lunch will be provided at each session.
The Kappa Leaguers will participate in three (3) community service activities that are determined by the Kappa League Advisory Board. To further develop their leadership skills, the Kappa Leaguers will select, plan, and execute at least one (1) community service activity and at least one (1) fundraiser during the school year that is voted on and accepted by the group.
The Kappa Leaguers will also participate in three (3) field trips for the year. Field trips selected must adhere to the goals and purposes of the Kappa League. Yearly dues for membership in the Kappa League Program is $50.
© 2024 Hyattsville/Landover (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. All rights reserved. Created by ShaCa Gurus.